Expert Photography for Real Estate

Take advantage of our over 30 years of experience in still photography. We will take professional photos of your property and then touch them up to make them pop! You can view our before and after photos in our gallery. 

Still Photography For Real Estate

Real estate photography is much more than knowing how to use a camera. Shooting still photography for real estate breaks down roughly into three categories:

  1. Knowing how to use a camera properly. This includes the technical operation of the camera and composition.
  2. Having the right camera, lens and lighting equipment.
  3. Knowing how to use the full capabilities of PhotoShop, and in particular, the camera RAW features. The camera RAW module in Photoshop is an application inside of an application and requires some time and experience to master.

Most interior photos have windows, which makes it difficult to balance the interior illumination with what is coming in from outside. One method is to use powerful interior lights or strobes to balance out the illumination, but this can get very cumbersome, particularly when moving from room to room. The best way is to have an illumination system that uses batteries that is continuous, which permits that system to also be used for video.

When the photos are taken using the RAW format, shadows and highlights can be brought into balance without distortion and added noise.

Finally, using digital retouching skills to add or remove details in the environment that will enhance the photo is the final step.

We have been doing this for over thirty years and have produced some of the most downloaded images in the world. Many of our professional photographs have been purchased by Disney, CNN, 60 Minutes and have appeared on the cover of LIFE magazine.

To view a more complete collection of our photography, you can visit my stock photo site at James Group Studios